Writing Challenge — Writerly Refections

Yay, I love this topic. Let’s start right away!


I’ve almost always been a book nerd to be honest. As a child I loved reading brief fictional stories, the more I was growing up the more I was reading.  I’ve always been stuck to the genre of fiction; intricate plots and fond characters tangled with a bit of suspense, that’s all I need. I remember devouring books at night, at nine or maybe ten years old. It was late, my sisters were sleeping but I was reading. I’m endowed with a passion for books since my earliest years. Thus I soon became attentive to writing. I owned a few diaries in which I didn’t always write a lot but still I liked the idea of possessing an object that I might find ten, twelve or thirty years later and look back thanks to the words I’ve written down. Nonetheless, the first time I wrote a story was for a school work, I must have been eight years old. We had to invent an animal however we wanted and to write its story, besides we had to draw it (drawing skills were just bonus fortunately). I had so much fun writing it, I could feel all of the emotions as a little girl. I truly felt like writing was empowering me, and in the end I got a pretty amazing mark, I was very happy with what I had done. Something in me just kind of snapped and the paper is still somewhere in the family’s past cardboards. 

Writing is for me a way to free myself, I’m pretty much the quiet-person type which I think is very common in writers’ circles. It helps me saying things that I would never say out loud otherwise. In my opinion, writing is one of the best ways to share with people. And from the word sharing, I mean also understanding. My point is that sometimes words which are written down might be well better understood, as regards to the reader’s personality traits. Moreover, as I told you previously, I believe that writing can be the (one and only?) ability to empower somebody. Therefore you may have already comprehend that I do write for myself. Of course, when creating and developing a story I appreciate pieces of advice and opinions on my production but I’ll probably never write down something because someone asked me to. You might think that I believe writing is only a therapy, that’s untrue, don’t misunderstand me. I love to write in order to entertain but first of all I think that the basis of writing is to deliver a real message, which I guess every writer does. 

I seldom practice my writing through elementary exercises however I try to write on a daily basis which is one of the reasons why I launched this blog. Posting articles regularly helps me to write more but also stimulate my creativity, which is very low at times. Plus, the bonus point is that I get to practice English even more as a non-native speaker (blogging in English instead of blogging in French does really expand the interaction between bloggers from all over the world, that’s truly incredible!). By the way, I wanted to ask you how my English level is according to you. Please tell me in the comments below. Nonetheless, awesome challenges about great topics such as this one really helps me in the writing process!

Daily Post challenge: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/03/24/writing-challenge-reflections/



  1. “quiet person”, “deliver a message” : That’s exactly the truth for me too….I’m maybe to shy to write that in my own story, to talk about myself but I was not very far from your own experience. A very good post 🙂

What do you think?